Privacy Policy

At, your privacy becomes our commitment. We only use your information to improve user experience and interface, i.e., product recommendations, easy-account access, and ads generation.


All information provided remains confidential and is not in any way sold, leased, or rented to 3rd party affiliates. Please continue reading to overview our privacy policies and attached clauses comprehensively. It includes why we use your information, how we use your information, and where we use your information. If you disagree with any policies listed below, please review your decision to use this site. 

Information Collection

  • When visiting or using’s services, you acknowledge that you are an authorized user and are not a minor, i.e., (under the age of 13)
  • ThePrimeDealz reserves the right to collect, monitor, and use any user activity displayed on the website; this is done to ensure a safe browsing environment and prevent unauthorized users from maliciously abusing a user’s account.
  • ThePrimeDealz reserves the right to collect and save a user’s account details and preferences. We do this to improve customer experience with functions like logging in, saving preferences, and adding items to a wishlist.
  • ThePrimeDealz reserves the right to store and use all information provided via fill-up forms, not limited to your name, contact information, address, gender, country, and date of birth.
  • ThePrimeDealz reserves the right to record and store your internet information, not limited to IP address, mac address, cookies, history, and operating system
  • ThePrimeDealz reserves the right to store and utilize all queries, emails, calls, messages, complaints, and social media information you provide.
  • Using this website, you acknowledge and willingly agree to provide ThePrimeDealz with your personal information. You also recognize that the information provided by you is relevant and authentic.
  • ThePrimeDealz does not store any information concerning your debit/credit card details. All payments are directed to a payment gateway provided by your bank. ThePrimeDealz also promises not to sell, lease, or rent your information to any 3rd party affiliates unless required by law. All information stored is used to improve customer experience and site quality.

Use of your information

ThePrimeDealz will use your information for the following purposes:

  • Query and complains management:All queries and complaints appear on the user dashboard. ThePrimeDealz periodically deals with them using the integrated chat or email function. 
  • Order and payment management:This contains all information pertaining to a user’s placed order; the same information is then further communicated with the logistics team to ensure the products are delivered on time. 
  • Personalized user experience management: Saved cookies and preferences are stored on the website to enhance ease of access. I.e., Ad generation, auto-login, product suggestions. 
  • User record maintenance: Information provided by users is kept for internal record management purposes. This further aids our customer service team when referencing customer complaints and queries. 
  • Newsletter and social media updates: ThePrimeDealz users who are following us on social media or have signed up for the newsletter receive regular updates detailing the latest product offerings
  • Website quality management: ThePrimeDealz uses a combination of customer feedback and quality management to ensure the website is up to date. 

Security of your information:

  • ThePrimeDealz servers ensure that your password and login details are 100% encrypted.
  • ThePrimeDealz may provide appointed administrator access if signs of malicious activity or other threats are reported from an account breach.
  • The user acknowledges that no data is 100% safe and can be susceptible to data breaches. ThePrimeDealz strives to prevent this as much as possible but cannot be held liable in the case of a data breach.
  • regularly updates its privacy policy from time to time. As a user, if you wish to stay up to date, ThePrimeDealz recommends that you look at the privacy policy now and then.